Press Release
July 15, 2024

Major labor unions endorse Fernandes for State Senate

JULY 15, 2024 – Representative Dylan Fernandes has secured the endorsements of three major labor unions – 1199SEIU, SEIU509, and the Massachusetts AFL-CIO – in his campaign for State Senate. These endorsements highlight Fernandes' strong record on workers' rights and his dedication to improving the lives of working families in Massachusetts.

"I'm honored to receive the support of 1199SEIU, SEIU509, and Mass. AFL-CIO," said Fernandes. "As state representative, I've fought tirelessly to make our region a more affordable place to live for working families. If elected to the State Senate, I will continue to stand with working men and women to advocate for liveable wages and affordable healthcare for the people of our district."

“The Massachusetts AFL-CIO is proud to endorse Rep. Dylan Fernandes for Senate in the Plymouth & Barnstable District,” said Mass. AFL-CIO President Chrissy Lynch. “Rep. Fernandes is a staunch advocate for working families, unions, and for an economy that works for everybody, not just the wealthy and well-connected. We are proud to support his campaign and look forward to partnering with him in the Senate to improve the lives of working people.”

During his tenure in the State House, Representative Fernandes has consistently championed workers' rights and union protections. He supported An Act Relative to Collective Bargaining Dues in 2019, which strengthened workers rights in response to the 2018 Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision to undermine unions.

SEIU509: SEIU Local 509 represents nearly 20,000 human service workers and educators throughout Massachusetts, from mental health clinicians and social workers to early childhood educators and university lecturers.

1199SEIU: Representing nearly 80,000 healthcare workers throughout Massachusetts, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the most politically active union in the Commonwealth and the largest healthcare union in the nation.

Mass. AFL-CIO: The Massachusetts AFL-CIO is the state’s largest labor umbrella organization, representing more than 750 local unions and intermediate bodies, such as joint boards and district councils. It is one of 51 state charters of the national American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).

About Dylan: First elected at age 26, Fernandes was the second-youngest legislator elected to the Massachusetts House. In his six years as State Representative, he has been a champion for working people, the environment, and making Massachusetts more affordable. He is a fourth-generation Plymouth & Barnstable District resident and the son of two local small business owners.
